Gaussian Distribution Conditional PDF Formulas

I would like to show you all the properties, formula, and neat formulas about the Gaussian distribution that I have encountered in machine learning.

Probability density function (PDF) of 1-dimensional Gaussian:

gaussian distribution def

where sigma is the standard deviation and mu is the variance.

Property: the pdf integrate to 1.

gaussian distribution integration

This might be obvious but sometimes you need to be able to recognize this when it’s presented in an modified form. For example,

gaussian distribution integral modified

This integral takes some work to figure out, but if you recognize the Gaussian pdf form where sigma=5 and mu=10, you can factor out the normalization factor for the PDF to integrate to 1.

Property: sum of Gaussians is Gaussian

More precisely, if we have two independent random variables X and Y each following Gaussian distributions

gaussian x and y


We define Z = X + Y, and we use the properties

  • mean of Z is the sum of the means of X and Y (regardless of X and Y are independent or not)
  • variance of Z is the sum of the variances of X and Y (only when X and Y are independent)

then Z is distributed as the following

independent gaussian sum x and y


Note that the above can be applied to difference as the subtraction is the same as adding the negative.

If Z = X – Y, then the only difference is that mean of Z:

gaussian diff x and y

Property: Gaussian is maximum entropy of all distribution with fixed mean and variance

PDF of multi-dimensional Gaussian (multivariate normal distribution)

multi gaussian def

where x and mu are k-dimensional vector and Sigma is k-by-k covariance matrix.

Sometime it’s writer in slightly different notation

multi gaussian def 2

When k=2, it’s also written without the matrix notation as:

bivariate gaussian def

How is this form related to the matrix form above? Hints are below but we will skip all the algebra here:

sigma of bivariate gaussian

Property: Marginalizing 2-Dimensional Gaussian results in 1-Dimensional Gaussian

Ex: we try to marginalize the x dimension by integrating over it so that the resulting Gaussian is only a function of y

gaussian 2d marginalize

then you need to some tedious algebra with (completing the square and expression rho with the sigmas, see link)

gaussian of y

which is simply a 1-D gaussian of y. Note the correlation coefficient (rho) absorbs all the mess and everything comes out cleanly (how nice!).

Property: Marginalizing k-Dimensional Gaussian results in (k-1)-Dimensional Gaussian

This is really just an extension of the 2-D case into k-D with matrix notation. We start again with this standard definition

multi gaussian def

To marginalize the i-th dimension, we are basically chopping of this dimension in the the mean

gaussian marginalize mean

We also need to chop off the i-th column and i-th row from the covariance matrix

gaussian full sigmagaussian sigma marginalized

The resulting is distribution is a Gaussian of (k-1) dimension

gaussian marginal

Conditional PDF

Property: Conditioning 2-Dimensional Gaussian results in 1-Dimensional Gaussian

To get the PDF of X by conditioning Y=y0, we simply substitute it

gaussian 2d conditional raw

Next trick is only focus on the exponential term and refactor the x terms and try to complete the square for x (with some messy algebra).

  • substitute the rho back with the covariance
  • multiply by the variances of x in both the numerator and denominator

gaussian conditional exponential

Then try to set up the x terms to complete the square in term of x

gaussian exponential intermediate

Rewrite with by actually completing the square

gaussian conditional exponent complete the square

We can directly derive the mean and variance of the resulting Gaussian PDF of x conditional on y

gaussian 2d conditional final

Property: Conditioning n-Dimensional Gaussian on (n-k)-Dimension result in k-Dimensional Gaussian

This is a generalization of the 2-D case, so we would use matrix notation.

First we define a n-Dimensional Gaussian where we denote the first (n-k) dimensions as x and the last k dimensions as y

gaussian multi dimension

gaussian multiple conditional where

First, we can write out the exponential term in the join Gaussian

gaussian multi matrix form

Note that the covariance matrix can be rewritten in block inverse form with theĀ Schur Complement:

schur complement

Next, multiply out the terms inside the exponential fully and complete the square for x (in matrix term).

gaussian multi complete the square

From the form above, we can recognize the mean vector and covariance matrix in terms of x in the first term before the addition:

gaussian conditional mean and covar

Alternatively, we can apply f(x|y)=f(x,y)/f(y). In this form, the exponent can show derived similarly by subtracting off the exponential term of the marginal PDF of f(y)

gaussian multi conditional divide

Either way, x given y is distributed according the mu* and sigma* above.

I have skipped a lot of details and I encourage you to check out the derivation here

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