Knowledge Distillation (introduction)


Large ML model might be difficult to be deployed because of deployment constraint (edge/mobile devices). Training a small model on raw data might not achieve as high accuracy as training a large model.

  • Large models tend to be complex
  • We don’t want complex model, but we want sophisticated model (know the relevant details to make prediction)
  • How do we just capture the minimal relevant information for inference more efficiently?
  • Is it possible to distill/condense this knowledge into a small model?


Knowledge distillation might be something that you can try.

  • Also known as teach and student networks
  • Another complexity reduction technique like network pruning
  • Steps
    • Train a large complex model to achieve best accuracy
    • Use the large model as the teacher to generate labels to train a smaller model(s) as the student model
    • Deploy student in production for inference
  • Student model is a form of knowledge transfer
  • Soft target – p-distribution generated by teacher
    • Note that we don’t use the hard label from the teach model (ie 100% on the highest probability class)
    • Student model tries to learn the soft distribution coming from the final softmax layer of the teacher model
    • Student model has different object function
  • Softmax temperature (T)
    • Improve the softness of the teacher’s output distribution
    • Often the teach model’s softmax layer is already quite confident with one class close to 100% and all other classes close to 0%. This does not provide much difference from directly using the ground truth label
    • softmax temperature
    • When T=1, p is the standard softmax. As T increases, the probability to more evenly distributed to all classes.
    • This is referred as the “Dark Knowledge”, which is what we want the student model to learn
  • Keras API
    • student_loss_fn – against the hard label
    • distillation_loss_fn – against the soft teach distribution
      • Use KL divergence to compare student and teach output distribution
        • Loss = (1-alpha)*Loss_hard_label(student_loss) + alpha*Loss_KL(distillation_loss)
        • alpha = how much to match to the teacher’s distribution as opposed to the ground truth
    • temperature – softening teach softmax distribution
  • Result
  • Not necessarily single teach, can be multiple
  • Not necessarily smaller student model than teacher
    • In a case study, a larger student noisy model can use distillation to achieve robustness from a smaller teacher model

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