Training large models – distributed training


A model is too large to fit on one machine.

  • Space – Too many weights to fit in memory
  • Time – Too many training samples to iterate


Distributed training has two broad type

  • Model parallelism (harder)
    • When model parameters do not fit on one device
    • Separate the model into different machines/accelerators (GPU/TPU)
    • Breaking up a model to train efficiently on multiple device is still an active area of research and could be quite challenge.
    • Achieved via pipeline parallelism
    • model parallelism
      • GPipe – Google’s version of pipeline parallelism
      • pipeline parallelism
        • Legend: F is forward pass and B is backward pass
        • Top figure: When each layer of the model is split across different device naively, they still have to wait for each other because the forward and backward passes are sequential
        • Bottom figure: When the mini-batch is further slip into micro-batches, each device can work on a portion of the micro-batch and does not need to wait for the entire mini-batch. For example, Device 0 is working on the second micro-batch while Device 1 is working on the first micro-batch in parallel. There is still some overhead because Device 1 still have to wait for Device 0 for the first micro-batch.
        • In both figures: the update is only compute when the entire mini-batch (all micro-batches) are done with forward and backward propagations.
        • When tested on AmoebaNet-D (4, 512) with 8 billion parameters, pipeline parallelism with GPipe is able achieve close to linear speedup
        • AmoebaNetD
  • Data parallelism (easier)
    • Synchronized
      • Separate the data into partitions
      • Model is replicated into different workers (a machine or accelerator)
      • Each worker perform forward and backward propagation to compute error and gradients for its responsible partition of the data in one epoch
      • Each worker updates its model and send its update to all other workers so they are able to apply the same updates
      • Keep model in sync in each epoch
        • Workers need to be synchronized and wait for each others’ updates
      • Communication
        • All-reduce algorithm
          • distribution-all-reduce
          • Every workers sends updates to every other workers
          • Requires large bandwidth and information shared is replicated
        • ring-reduce algorithm
          • Workers form a ring and passes updates to next worker in the ring and every worker gets the information when the message passes one round in the ring
          • Only send some part of the data each time so that every workers are using all the available bandwidth
          • Reduce bandwidth because each worker can accumulate the gradients and sent the partial sum to the next worker so that after one round the total is obtained.
    • Asynchronized
      • Parameter server
        • TFJob (a component of Kubeflow) roles:
          • Chief: orcheestrating training and perform checkpointing
          • PS: parameter servers provide distributed data store
          • Worker: actually doing the work, worker 0 might also be the chief
          • Evaluation: compute eval metric during training
        • Each worker has its own piece of data
        • Each worker sends update to the parameter server asynchronously
        • More efficient – no waiting time for the worker
        • Different workers run at different pace
        • Slower to converge (measured in the number of epoch) and lower accuracy


  • Uses Keras/Estimator APIs
  • Tensorflow distribute.Strategy API
    • One Device Strategy – no distribution, used for testing your distributed training code
    • Mirrored Strategy – synchronous on multiple GPU on one machine
      • Variables are mirrored across all replica of the model in all GPUs
      • Conceptual variable called mirrored variable, which kept in sync using communication algorithm such as all-reduce
    • Parameter Strategy
      • Parameter server worker(s) – stores the parameters and maintains all updates
      • Computation workers – feeding data into model
      • Asynchronous by default, but can be done synchronously (although it would be less efficient)
    • Multi-worker Mirrored Strategy
      • Synchronous distributed training across multiple workers, each with potentially multiple GPUs
      • Similar to MirroredStrategy, it creates copies of all variables in the model on each device across all workers
    • Central Storage Strategy
      • Synchronous but variables are not mirrored, instead they are placed on the CPU and operations are replicated across all local GPUs.
    • TPU Strategy
      • To take advance to TPU and TPU Pods, which are optimized for larger models and more cost effective than GPU
  • Fault-tolerant
    • Preserving training state (in a distribute file system) when a worker fails
    • Keras backup and restore callback
  • Don’t let the accelerator (GPU/TPU) idle
    • Input pipeline needs to be efficient to keep the accelerator busy or else you might not get much benefit from the accelerator
  • Memory constraint of large model
    • The number of parameters is so large that a model cannot fit on a single machine (billions of parameters)
    • Gradient accumulation
      • Split mini-batches and only perform backprop after entire batch
    • Memory swap
      • Copy activation states back and forth among CPU and memory


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